Thursday, March 31, 2016

It is Time for Millennials to Lead

Millennials are maligned everyday. Corporate leaders condescend to them and public officials complain about their naivete. If only millennials could be more like us they say to one another.

Newsflash, the younger generation does not want to be like the previous generations, i.e. baby boomers and generation x'ers. Quite the opposite, actually. It's more probable than not that millennials will have to clean up the mess that has been left for them. To do that millennials must reject current norms and principles.

The state of the country, all things being considered, is messy. Social cohesion is lacking. Faith in institutions, both public and private, are at record lows. While there has been economic progress, too much prosperity has gone to those who need it the least. Civility and decency are things of the past.

So, given current circumstances, millennials must call out those who have failed. Far too long we have let our leaders, primarily comprised of baby boomers, call the shots and lead us down a path of unrest (maybe personified the best by Donald Trump).

Their approach has been adversarial, not inquisitive. Every possible issue of disagreement is broken into two, diametrically opposed sides. The worldview of older generations was certainly shaped by the Cold War and the chaotic times of the Vietnam War, but it is destructive. When compromise is needed -- for example, on the issue of climate change -- the conservative reaction is to oppose any solution lest we turn into a communist regime. It is silly. At least millennial conservatives acknowledge the problem (for the most part) and propose conservative ideas to combat it.

Previous generations have also forgotten that millennials are more educated than they are so stop with the deception. Nuance exists in complex issues of public policy. There can be free markets with limited regulation. A tax system can be more progressive, but keep its entrepreneurial spirit. I cannot explain how many times I have argued with a baby boomer about the merits of government intervention in a depressed economy to only be accused of being a "Marxist." A liberal idea and a conservative idea can both be right at the same time (fiscal prudence dictates that low to moderate deficits should be strived for in good times, but in difficult times, higher government spending should be considered, even encouraged).

A lot of criticism to this post will certainly arise from the clear gains that have been made in technology and consumption. How can a millennial brat complain?! This line of attack is unpersuasive. Sure, consumerism is alive and well. So many different products, services, and businesses to choose from. But, there is more to life than acquiring things. Millennials value family time, new experiences abroad, personal mobility, autonomous work environments, and creative opportunities. Today, with the policies put into place by the previous generations, it is more difficult for a millennial to achieve those dreams.

Now, not later, is the time for millennials to climb the ladders of responsibility. Young leaders should run for public office. It does not need to be national. Start with your local communities. Change is needed and who better to lead it than youthful visionaries who are ready to begin anew.

Monday, February 29, 2016

How Donald Trump Hijacked the GOP

Something is amiss. Or rather, something has happened to the people of this country. It seems that too many voters, inexplicably (or maybe it can be explained but we refuse to believe it because it is too scary), have been swept off of their feet by Donald Trump. The presumptive Republican nominee is a man who knows no shame, decency or respect.

The list is endless -- a long history of sleights, insults, and demagoguery. A trickster who inherited his wealth, but somehow persuaded the public into believing that he was self-made, will be a serious contender for the white house in the general election. Even now, while writing this post, I cannot believe that he is in the lead. His opponents, just recently, are trying to employ the same juvenile tactics that he has used since the beginning of his campaign, i.e. name-calling, innuendo, and conspiracy theories.

An inquiry into how one major political party was hijacked is the subject matter of this post. Serious in tone, markedly different than my more light-hearted blogs, shows how grave I believe our political situation to be. Let us begin.

Beware of what you wish for. Pick any metaphor: Frankenstein, Terminator, or Icarus. Credit for creating Donald Trump the candidate belongs, in part, to the Republican party. For years now, since President Obama was sworn in, the GOP has made it a legislative, political and idealistic goal to oppose everything that the President stands for. It doesn't matter if the party use to adopt a similar policy in the past (see: Cap and Trade, Individual Mandate, Comprehensive Tax Reform). If Obama is for it, they must be against it.

A strategy of obstruction was meant to bear political fruit. Mitch McConnell, senate majority leader, believed that the gridlock would result in voters being frustrated. He knew that Congress would be blamed, but theorized that President Obama would be blamed more. Thus, inaction has become the norm.

In addition, Republicans have stepped up their bluster, hyperbole, and extremism. For purposes of inciting the base, and encouraging higher voter turnout, elected officials have swayed from the mainstream. Instead of "a president whom we disagree with", it has become normal to say that the "president is a traitor, terrorist-funding, dictator, who will do anything to dismantle the constitution." Such language riles the passions, particularly those who hold white nationalist beliefs (a core constituency of Donald Trump).

GOP primary voters are mad. They are angry with their economic station in life. For decades now, income and wealth inequality has benefited those at the top at the expense of everyone else. It is being felt everyday. Trade deficits result in layoffs. Soaring corporate profits culminate in lower wages. Beneficial tax rates for millionaires and billionaires lead to reduced tax receipts and social benefits. Who has advocated for the policies that exacerbate the problems above? Republicans.

Add it all up: an angry, frustrated populist movement exists in the Republican party and Donald Trump knows how to play into their anger. He offers easy solutions. The real estate mogul dumbs it down. Trump makes life a zero-sum game: it has to be the fault of undocumented immigrants (economists actually point out that immigrants increase innovation and GDP), or Muslims, or African-Americans. Complexity is shunned. Quick, streamlined justice according to "The Donald", and "The Donald" alone, is all that is needed for "America to be great again."

Donald Trump will likely be the general election candidate for the Republicans, and a large establishment majority within the party do not like it. They believed, incorrectly, that they could control the extreme elements within. Political death after political death should have been a warning (Dick Lugar, Eric Cantor, John Boehner); it wasn't. The monster movement that the GOP created is uncontrollable and strikes indiscriminately.

Pundits, establishment politicians, and wealthy insiders may be confused about the current state of affairs. Perhaps, they really didn't see a Donald Trump victory on the horizon. But any fan of science fiction knows, you have to be careful with what you create. Ultimately, your own creation can be your own demise.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Bernie Already Won

American presidential elections are unlike any other in the world. For one, presidential campaigns start way too early -- years before a voter steps into the voting box. Two, billions of dollars are spent on the candidates. Thank you Citizens United (not really). Three, we have a primary system that puts an inordinate amount of responsibility on a Midwest state that does not reflect the broader electorate.

Tomorrow, February 1, the voting will begin. The state of Iowa will caucus and choose a candidate for the general election.  Polls show a close race on both sides of the aisle. Donald Trump leads Senator Ted Cruz; Secretary Hillary Clinton edges Senator Bernie Sanders by a few points. Only time will tell who will end the night victorious.

For Democrats, even if Hillary were to win, Bernie Sanders will remain the champion. This observation is not meant as a dig to Secretary Clinton, who remains a strong, formidable progressive. No, it is a reflection on what has occurred during the summer and fall. Feel the Bern has become a movement that will not be extinguished with a loss in Iowa. A fire has been lit.

The popularity of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders lies in current economic realities. For the past four decades, income and wealth distribution has grown more unfair. By objective measures, America no longer offers equal opportunity for those willing to work towards their American Dream. Instead, corporate profits soar while wages remain flat. Executives receive a 300:1 pay ratio without having to deliver results.

Levels of inequality are obscene. Even conservatives cannot deny it. 100 White Americans own more wealth than every African-American throughout the country. One family, the Walton family, has more wealth than 40% of the entire country. Since 1979, the percentage of national income to the top 1% has doubled. Japanese, Italians, and Belgians are more wealthy than Americans.

With so much wealth, the privileged class has sole influence over our elected officials. Political scientists have done the research. Important issues to average Americans are not on the radar for representatives. Instead, lobbyists and campaign contributions make sure that corporate interests are catered to first, and usually to the detriment of the consumer. Monopolies run rampant; small businesses and entrepreneurship have declined. We do not have a capitalist system. We have a crony state.

Bernie Sanders has run his campaign on the promise to raise the middle class up rather than subjugate it to Wall Street. Labels do not matter, even if the media claims that his democratic-socialist identification will hurt his chances of a win in a general election. What ultimately matters is how this economic crisis will be solved. Americans, particularly millennials, who comprise a large percentage of his passionate supporters, know that if action is not taken together, collectively, we will slide into more unrest, bitter partisanship, and economic stagnation.

Republicans and Democrats feel the injustice. So, going forward, no matter the outcome of the Iowa Caucus, issues of economic fairness will be front and center. In a way, Bernie has already won.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Letter to My Daughter

Dear Analía,

You are not born yet but I wanted to write you. In less than six weeks, you will take your first breath, and then begin a journey with many other firsts. It's exciting -- life will be full of new experiences and landmarks.

Your mother and I have been preparing for your arrival for quite awhile now. Like loyal subjects preparing a visit from the princess, all arrangements are being made. You have a comfy crib waiting in our home. Car seats, diapers, and bottles are new and unused. Everything -- well, most everything -- has been bought and paid for.

Let me be the first to admit, you haven't been easy. I know, how difficult could you be when you are limited to the area of your mommy's tummy?! I should probably have your mother explain that to you in more depth. She is the one dealing with discomfort, exhaustion, and a whole host of issues that come with pregnancy.

Actually, since you haven't met us, let me introduce you to your parents. I, Chris, am your father. Imagine me saying that in a Darth Vader voice. He's a villain in a great movie that you will eventually see when you are old enough.  I don't want to give you any spoilers, but I digress. Your mother, Elizabeth, is a beautiful woman who has to put up with me. We will unconditionally love you, rear you, and provide for you (until you are 18, then you are on your own! Just kidding ;)

I'm writing to you, in part, to help you prepare for a life in this world. The people whom inhabit Earth, the planet that you will be living on, are unusual. Each person is unique with his or her own quirks and strengths. Remember to be kind to all. It's important that you treat others with respect and to expect others to treat you with respect, meaning that you need to stand up for yourself, and what you believe in.

Your mother and I look forward to seeing who you become and what you believe. We want you to be your own person, but grounded in good values. In a world full of diverse opinions, it is essential that you base your beliefs in evidence. So much junk out there relies on prejudice, ignorance, and fear. Don't succumb or be fooled by simplicity. Life is extremely complex. Embrace the unknown and always remain curious.

One thing, however, is non-negotiable. You must be a Dodgers fan. It's a family tradition, on both sides of your family. We wear blue. In fact, we bleed blue. Figuratively speaking, of course. It's just the way it is. Your mom and dad will take you to plenty of games. It will be a lot of fun, especially when you move on up from milk to Dodger dogs.

As you live your life, remember to not take things too seriously. Laugh when you can. Cry when you must. Never pass on an opportunity to see a good movie.

When you need to talk about something, anything, always know that you can speak with your parents. We may not have an answer for you, or be suitable to help, but we will always try to do what's right for you. Because we are a family and we can do it together. We love you. We can't wait to meet you.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hey Media: Do Your Jobs

Senator Ted Cruz was right during the CNBC debate in Boulder, Colorado. I, along with most people, do not like the media. But, Mr. Cruz's rationale was wrong. The debate moderators were not being biased or unfair, they were being too timid. Indeed, the whole media has let GOP candidates get away with falsehood after falsehood. When will they begin to do their job?

Watching the debate, without access to independent sources and facts, a viewer could conclude that the questions were prejudiced. Almost every speaker attacked the questioner, the debate, or the network that hosted the debate. The candidates exhibited emotions of denial or outright contempt when pressed. Republican voters ate it up; the pugnaciousness fed into the narrative that there is only one trustworthy network on television nowadays.

The problem: the country we live in does not lack access to the facts. Donald Trump denied having disagreed with Mark Zuckerberg on immigration visas. Anyone could have visited Trump's own website to find out that it was not true. Only a few fact-checker websites ran with the story.

Same for Tea Party favorite Ben Carson, whose mild manner allegedly shows a contrast to Trump despite them sharing similar, bizarre views. When asked why he would affiliate himself with a company that falsely advertised cures for autism and cancer, he responded that it was total propaganda. The gall on him. Mr. Carson was paid to give speeches and praise their products. He did have some "ties" to the company. When will a "journalist" follow-up with him on his false assertions?

Winner of the debate, Senator Marco Rubio, had one of the best applause lines of the debate. He declared that the entire media was a Super PAC for the Democrats. However, he could not defend his own tax proposal without misleading. John Hardwood, one of the moderators, asked why his plan would result in a greater tax reduction for the top 1%, rather than the middle class. Mr. Rubio demurred. First, he said it wasn't true -- even though it was, as scored by a conservative think tank. Then, he said something unrelated to the content of the question. After the debate, the media declared him the winner, although the middle class would be the losers if he were to win. No one seemed to care about that.

Where does one begin with Carly Fiorina, who was somewhat called out for refusing to acknowledge that she lied about a planned parenthood video at the last debate. She recycled a discredited line at the most recent debate -- there was not a disproportionate amount of job losses for women under President Obama. Yet, she still campaigns as if it makes no difference what she says or does not say.

Simply put, the media is horrible. There must have been a time in our polarized society when the media decided that it was better to appear unbiased at the expense of the truth. The bottom-line was to be protected even it meant taking it easy on the politicians who wantonly lie.

A democratic society depends on a vigorous free press. I fear that we have lost ours. The public should not have to search for the truth like Indiana Jones in a dark, insect-infested tomb. Presidential candidates must be scrutinized. The office holds too much power. If a presidential candidate believes, sincerely believes, that he or she can get elected by willfully misleading, then what will he or she do once in office. Hey media, you better do your damn jobs.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Fall of Boehner (And GOP Sanity)

What a week for those who follow politics. A lot happened. A visit from the Holy See. The White House hosted a China state dinner admidst cyber hacking allegations. Governor Scott Walker suspended his presidential campaign. President Putin of Russia met with President Obama despite fierce animosity over Ukraine and Syria. A looming government shutdown was barely avoided. And the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, announced his retirement and relinquishment of the gavel.

My brain nearly overloaded just writing that. Each event was serious and consequential in its own right. But, by way of tradition, I will be analyzing the one story that highlights the problems of the Republican party. Like a broken record, I know. The truth is: it's just too easy to mock the GOP.

Speaker Boehner was, and is, a conservative. Looking at his record one can see that he followed the Republican platform to a tee. A number of special interest groups ranked him in high regard, i.e. NRA, Pro-Life Groups, Conservative Tax Organizations, you name it. Unfortunately, it isn't enough these days. The party has moved so far to the right, so extreme in its ideology, that no "conservative" can ever vote with, talk to, compromise between, or negotiate with a liberal or Democrat.

Governance is not a goal for the Freedom Caucus, a group of legislators who ascribe to pure conservative principles. Any legislation that relies on a compromise with the opposing party is viewed with suspicion, contempt. It is much more important to make one's conservative views known, even if it involves symbolic, but pointless, parliamentary exercises.

Such is the reality in today's Congress. A splinter in the Republican party has resulted in the resignation of Speaker Boehner. Mr. Boehner knew that he was going to face a fight for his speakership. All because he refused to engage in a tactic that was doomed to fail. The "purest of pure conservatives" wanted to shutdown the government over Planned Parenthood funding. Mr. Boehner did not.

Believe it or not there are still some Republicans who believe that laws must be passed -- like necessary spending bills. They understand the dynamics of having three branches of government, of two chambers in Congress, of the mathematical requirement to override a Presidential veto. Some Republicans think that conservative values can be advanced through compromise and regular order.

I fear that this is only the beginning. On the right side of the political spectrum there is a deep desire for hyperbolic statements or gestures. The rise of Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina reflect this. The truth is no longer relevant. Fiorina has double-downed on falsehoods directly to Fox News after being challenged by the friendly-to-Republican network. It is more important to control the narrative rather than surrender to actuality.

The fall of the Speaker of the House was just a symptom of a much larger problem. We have one of the two major political parties unable to function. The GOP now resembles an anarchic insurgent collective. Its mission is to destroy government, not operate within it. John Boehner was not a friend to Democrats, but he will certainly be missed.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Join in on the Fun, Kanye

Kanye West accepted an award last night at the VMAs. During his off the cuff acceptance speech, "Yeezus" made a surprising announcement. He will be running for President in 2020. A SuperPac has already been formed. As of now, Twitter is still crazy about the "Ready for Kanye" movement.

Good for Kanye. At this point, why should he not run. The political process has already been turned into a quasi-reality television event. The 17 GOP candidates cannot go a day without making an absurd statement -- Governor Scott Walker wants to now build a wall along the Canadian - USA border. The media is loathed to cover anything of substance. He will likely add some excitement to the mix.

Seriously, he has the same political experience as two now-popular GOP candidates. Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina have never held elected office. The latter was fired from Hewlett-Packard after a disastrous tenure. Carson, a neurosurgeon, has been quick to utilize Nazi and slavery comparisons ("'[our society] is very much like Nazi Germany'... '[Obamacare is] the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery'... '...we live in a Gestapo age, people don't realize it.'").

It is not like we will be surprised by incendiary rhetoric. Kanye probably won't be as offensive as Governor Huckabee. Remember when Huckabee said that Obama was marching the Israelis to the oven because of the Iran agreement. There is no reason why the rapper shouldn't run as a candidate.

Kanye can brag just like Jeb Bush. If Kanye can sell albums, he will be able to sell the American people on his to-be-announced jobs program. Facts will make no difference. Look at Jeb Bush. He somehow claims that Florida owes its economic success to him, despite the fact that he rode the housing bubble and had luckily left office before it burst.

For those worried about our image abroad, do not worry. Reports already show that our political campaigns have been mocked. One British professor opined that, "[American] politics are even more unproductive, vulgar, captured by special interests than [British politics]." The United States' reputation has been tarnished because of Citizens United and hyper-partisanship. It cannot get much worse.

But Yeezy has no real policies, some will say. That is not a convincing argument as to why he should not run. The GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump, has been successful, in part, because he has no real policies. He provides quick, simple talking points that can be consumed and regurgitated by the masses. Who can do a better job than Trump when it comes to creating easy-to-remember sound bites? Kanye!

Our country has blurred the lines between governance and entertainment. Let's take the logical next step and elect Kanye West in 2020. I can already imagine: "Keeping up with the First Family" on E!. Set your DVRs. It's going to be a wild ride.