Monday, August 31, 2015

Join in on the Fun, Kanye

Kanye West accepted an award last night at the VMAs. During his off the cuff acceptance speech, "Yeezus" made a surprising announcement. He will be running for President in 2020. A SuperPac has already been formed. As of now, Twitter is still crazy about the "Ready for Kanye" movement.

Good for Kanye. At this point, why should he not run. The political process has already been turned into a quasi-reality television event. The 17 GOP candidates cannot go a day without making an absurd statement -- Governor Scott Walker wants to now build a wall along the Canadian - USA border. The media is loathed to cover anything of substance. He will likely add some excitement to the mix.

Seriously, he has the same political experience as two now-popular GOP candidates. Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina have never held elected office. The latter was fired from Hewlett-Packard after a disastrous tenure. Carson, a neurosurgeon, has been quick to utilize Nazi and slavery comparisons ("'[our society] is very much like Nazi Germany'... '[Obamacare is] the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery'... '...we live in a Gestapo age, people don't realize it.'").

It is not like we will be surprised by incendiary rhetoric. Kanye probably won't be as offensive as Governor Huckabee. Remember when Huckabee said that Obama was marching the Israelis to the oven because of the Iran agreement. There is no reason why the rapper shouldn't run as a candidate.

Kanye can brag just like Jeb Bush. If Kanye can sell albums, he will be able to sell the American people on his to-be-announced jobs program. Facts will make no difference. Look at Jeb Bush. He somehow claims that Florida owes its economic success to him, despite the fact that he rode the housing bubble and had luckily left office before it burst.

For those worried about our image abroad, do not worry. Reports already show that our political campaigns have been mocked. One British professor opined that, "[American] politics are even more unproductive, vulgar, captured by special interests than [British politics]." The United States' reputation has been tarnished because of Citizens United and hyper-partisanship. It cannot get much worse.

But Yeezy has no real policies, some will say. That is not a convincing argument as to why he should not run. The GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump, has been successful, in part, because he has no real policies. He provides quick, simple talking points that can be consumed and regurgitated by the masses. Who can do a better job than Trump when it comes to creating easy-to-remember sound bites? Kanye!

Our country has blurred the lines between governance and entertainment. Let's take the logical next step and elect Kanye West in 2020. I can already imagine: "Keeping up with the First Family" on E!. Set your DVRs. It's going to be a wild ride.

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