Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Static Union

"Big thinking has more often gotten us into trouble then led us to success..." - Republican Congressman Tom Cole. 

Last night President Obama gave his State of the Union Address in front of his political adversary -- the "do even less" Congress. During the address, Mr. Obama focused on the personal stories of average Americans. He highlighted the anecdotes to paint a picture and establish a theme: citizens need help, and if Congress is unwilling to act, he will. 

The economy has definitely improved since the Great Recession. Unemployment is down, stocks are up, the housing market is rebounding, and consumer spending is picking up. Yet, people are still hurting. There are still many things that can be done to improve the lives of tens of millions. The Federal Reserve can only do so much; fiscal policy can be much more effective in strengthening the economic recovery.

Hence, President Obama has declared that he will use executive action when possible to aid the economy. Congressional Republicans reacted in sync. "Obama has run out of ideas..." "If [Mr. Obama] tries to ignore the [Constitution], he's going to run into a brick wall." What has Speaker Boehner been calling the brick wall up until now? The GOP has made it a political strategy to block whatever it can to ensure that Mr. Obama does not have claim to legislative achievements. The Speaker presided over record setting Filibusters and historical intransigence. 

The Constitution is silent on what to do when one branch of the Government has taken an indefinite vacation. So, while Executive Action is necessary, it is not a cure all. It should not become a fix to Congressional obstructionism. 

I believe that Republicans want to do whats best for the country in the long run. Like Democrats and liberals, the GOP loves its country. They certainly have different policy ideas on how to accomplish that goal. But, Congress has decided that it must win elections first before it can do its job. It's a brazen strategy not worth hiding. In having good intentions and standing by strong held convictions, the GOP has resigned to the fact that Americans can wait. We shouldn't have to.

Our leaders should look to the American people as examples. Every single day we compromise. We do not agree with all persons we come across or do business with, but we find a way to negotiate and find common ground. 

Like individuals who must agree every day despite having different beliefs, Congress should forfeit its strategy of letting 2014 come and go. The time delay may be politically convenient, but it is not a good policy for Americans. It is not a winning formula either -- people will reflect their frustration at the ballot box.

In sum, Executive Action can help only so much. Mr. Boehner and I agree that the Constitution is the foundation of our great nation and must be followed. That is why I call on Speaker Boehner to fulfill his duties under Section 8 of Article I of the Constitution. You see, you were not elected to win elections, you were elected to legislate. Get to work.

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